Tuesday, 2 November 2010


This is the location we decided on. We have decided we will film in a ordinary house which shows the difference in the type of person this murderer is trying to portray in the eyes of the neighbourhood. the darkroom we have selected shows the true portrayal of the character. The road we seleceted shows your normal everyday neighbour hood, with houses surrouding our murders house and showing how this house is the same as the rest on the outside. The table pictured at the bottom of the pictures is where we are placiong the ring. this table will be full of houshold objects but the ring will seem as if it belongs there when it actually doesnt.


  1. Good Jonny. See if you can do more detailed analysis of these images, more of a semiotic reading. Also, if possible, link your location ideas to similar products.

  2. Focusing more on the scenes pictures individually, you can see the scene from the darkroom was going to be a challenge as the only source of light is red and therefore just using one light could result in not seeing much of the scene which is actually important. we had to disconnect some of the red lights on the wall and bring them closer to the area in which we were filming. the street shot also hides hickups which arent seen at a casual glance. the duidstance from the crossroads to the house was atleast a 5 minute walk and obviously we couldnt film her walking all the way to the house as it would be most of our film. so we had to cut most of this scene up and have the key points of her and her friend leaving eachother and her going near the house. the indoors shot of the cuboard was taken beacuse we liked the look of it and felt we needed to involve it in our shot and have the ring sitting on it. it also symbolised a normal house and the style of the house. these points are key to show that this house seems as a normal everyday house with innocent owners. however what lies in the basement is a completely different story.
