As the film begins, the camera shows various views of the landscape and desert of the United States-Mexico Boarder. When the clips are rolling the sound of Tommy Lee Jones appears reading a Monologue describing his time of being sheriff with another unknown sheriff. He also talks about a boy who killed a 14 year old girl and was sentence to the electric chair.
Focusing more on the sound you hear all the common noises in the clip as the scene begins of showing the policeman arresting a man, i.e. the car door slamming and the noise of walking on the rubble. As the man kills the policeman you hear him struggling to breathe but if you focus on the sound you hear a noise which builds tension, although you feel tension almost through the whole of the opening scene. I believe the lack of sound makes it more intense and develops that feeling of isolation and emptiness which is ideal for a thriller.
The accent of the character talking at the beginning as a voice over sets the place as he has a southerner tone to his American voice. This helps the audience understand where they are and the type of characters in the film.
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